Harvest Center (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
#175i National Road No 6
Kean Khleang Village,
121001 Phnom Penh
cheavirak@harvestcentercambodia.com https://www.facebook.com/harvestcentercambodia/
Parts Doc Online is the CLAAS electronic spare parts catalogue. It contains spare parts for CLAAS harvesting machines and CLAAS tractors. The version available here gives you access to all current machine details.
Spare parts cannot be ordered online – please talk to your local CLAAS partner.
I agree to Conditions of use
Parts Doc is an electronic catalogue of CLAAS agricultural machinery products designed for the requirements of CLAAS agricultural machinery retailers. The generally available version provided here has the following functions:
- Display of spare parts drawings with item numbers
- Printout of spare parts drawings
CLAAS gives the user a restricted, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Parts Doc database for the purpose of spare parts searches as described above.
Users have the right to access and search the database and use the retrieved data for their own purposes. Any more extensive use is not permitted (in particular, copying to other data media for other purposes, the use of data for making more than a trivial number of copies, for preparing systematic compilations or for commercial use).
The user expressly acknowledges the ownership right and copyright of CLAAS KGaA mbH or its associated companies to the software used for the internet application www.claas.com
and the integrated company logos and graphic design. The user acknowledges that the database is a protected database work under Sec 4 par. 2 sentence 1 of the German Copyright Act (UrhG) and a protected database as referred to in Sec 87a par. 1 UrhG. The user also acknowledges CLAAS as the "maker" of the online database for the purposes of Sec 87a par. 2 UrhG. The rights to all other components of the databases, in particular rights of use and ancillary copyright of content, are held by CLAAS. To allow the spare parts catalogue to be read electronically, it has a viewer program, to which all rights are held by Docware GmbH, Alexanderstr. 9, D-90762 Fürth. Any other form of user of this program is strictly prohibited.
The user is also aware that the state of the art is such that the possibility of errors in software and databases cannot be excluded. The Parts Doc database has been compiled with all due care, but CLAAS does not accept any liability for the correctness, completeness or freedom from errors of the information provided. Otherwise, CLAAS is liable in the case of deliberate action, gross negligence, claims under the German Product Liability Act and for harm to life and limb or health in accordance with legal provisions. CLAAS is also liable in the case of ordinary negligence if CLAAS has breached a material contractual obligation, but to an extent limited to typical and predictable losses. Liability on the part of CLAAS is excluded in all other cases.
If any provisions of these conditions of use are found to be inoperative, this will not affect the remaining provisions. Any additions and amendments to these conditions of use must be made in writing. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies, with exclusion of UN commercial law.
Harvest Center (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
#175i National Road No 6
Kean Khleang Village,
121001 Phnom Penh
cheavirak@harvestcentercambodia.com https://www.facebook.com/harvestcentercambodia/