Steering systems. A perfect line.

Optimising operating costs.
Research into cultivation systems shows that there is often an increase in overlap for larger working widths when a steering system is not used. This means that 7% savings in terms of diesel fuel, machine costs, fertiliser and pesticide could easily be achieved with a CLAAS steering system.
Increase the quality of your work.
CLAAS steering systems take the pressure off the driver. They show in advance which direction to take, or automatically steer the tractor along the best possible track. Mistakes are eliminated, allowing the driver to concentrate on keeping the tractor running properly, with clear improvements in results.
Correction signal to meet individual needs.
CLAAS has designed its range so that you can take advantage of its flexibility to upgrade your system at any time.

The correction signals.
- +/– 2 to 3 cm
- Base station
- Range approx. 15 km
- Own reference station or reference signal is provided by the local dealer
- Highest possible repeatable accuracy
- +/– 2 to 3 cm
- Correction signal via mobile phone network
- Dual-frequency signal
- Unrestricted working radius
- Highest possible repeatable accuracy
- Subject to licence
- +/– 4 to 6 cm
- Mobile reference station
- Range 3 to 5 km
- Free of licence fees
- Internal correction signal
- Integrated rechargeable battery
- +/– 5 to 12 cm
- Satellite-based correction signal
- Dual-frequency signal
- Subject to licence
- +/– 15 to 30 cm
- Free of licence fees
- Base accuracy